Inspyred Tymes

Thursday, January 20, 2005

My new job

Sometimes I miss the ol' office. Maybe not the work so much.. but the people that surrounded me. Going to 'work' sometimes was pretty fun. We got shit done.. and had a good time doing it. I knew though that I did have to make a change in my life because I knew that there was something missing when I did go to work.

In a way I always knew that I would be in the IT field. But the field is so broad that I think even the college I graduated from (CSUN) was sorta confused about the IT realm as well. It's funny... it wasn't until after I graduated they (CSUN) decided to really re-vamp the MIS (Management Information Systems) program and truly "prepare" the students for the business world ahead. I came out of the program as a graduate of the Business school knowing how to create databases. That would have been great if I wanted to create databases. I guess I expected to be able to come out of the school with more technical training. I guess that's what the Computer Science students were learning.

Back to the office... my colleagues were able to teach me everyday. More than what I had learned in classes. We all learned from eachother. That made the one hour (one way) trek through L.A. traffic somewhat bareable... getting paid to learn and teach is/was a cool feeling. I always wish them all well... this includes everyone in the office. But like I said, I knew there was something missing.

If I don't make any sense in the next lines... I'll just blame it on my tiredness (it's 1:30am).

You ask your family, friends or colleagues this question: Are you happy doing what you are doing at work? When I would ask this question I sometimes get an answer that almost sound like a sigh of despair. A feeling of being "stuck" at what they do... and not being happy about doing it. My answer to the question was.. "I want more".

I wanted more because I knew that there was more to it. I wanted more because this was the best time to get more. I am lucky to be in a situation where I have a chance to get more if I wanted it.

I like being able to express myself. This is one big reason why I try to maintain this website... to be able to express myself. I know that without having my friends in the next cubicle or office.. I would end up not saying anything. Keeping these feelings in would probably backfire on me in the end.

I guess you can say that my change in career paths still relate me to IT. Digital editing does have a technical backbone. But my "more" looks a little more clearer now. I don't know why I didn't realize that editing (making movies) was always something I had a passion for. Digital Storyteller... hmmm I guess that's my new title.


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